Sunday, October 08, 2006

Gotta get my quiz fix............ I know Annie, I'M SICK!!!!

I have absolutely no idea why I ever do these, but whatever...

So Far In 2006:

1. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! There's no way you can have 5 different SERIOUS relationships in the course of one year! Please!

2. Have you had your birthday? Yes! Several times!

3. Been to church? Almost every day. I'm an intern/slave.

4. Cried yet? At least once a month. (in addition to the once a month due to hormones) :P

6. Pulled an all nighter? Yeppers! Working on one right now! LOL

7. Drank Starbucks? No! Down with the evil Starbucks empire! Go Dutch Bros. or Allan Bros., support Oregon small business!

8. Went shopping? Oh yah! I just got back from spending my birthday money an hour ago!

9. Been camping? Only once, sigh....

10. Been to the beach? Not yet.

11. Bought something for over $200? Ha ha ha ha! I haven't had $200 all in my hand at once yet this year!

12. Met someone new? Yep, regularly.

13. Been out of state? Yes, I got to go to San Francisco last month!

14. Gone Snowboarding? Um, no, I'm not that kind of girl!

[[Today Have you...]]

1. Hugged someone? Almost everyone I saw today got a hug. (except those few who aren't the hugging type, but mentally, I hugged them ALL, TWICE!!!!)

2. Slept in someone elses bed? No, that was last week.

3. Snuck someone over? Not since I moved on to Church property, it's somewhat frowned upon! :P

4. Snuck out of your own house? Yes, to use the computer at the church late at night, I have to sneak or my dogs cry like crazy when I leave.

5. Gotten drunk? Yes, on Tequila, ohhhhhh hangover!

6. Been arrested? Not yet.

7. Gotten a car? No, mine's been pretty good, until recently....

8. Gone over your cell phone bill? I know, I'm totally un-cool, I don't have a cell phone.

9. Been called a whale? A Whale? No. A Hippo? Yes.

10. Done something you regret? Naw, regrets are a waste of time!


Last Thing you bought? Sparkly, dangly, jingly earings! They are wonderful!

Last person you hugged? My friend Stefan's mom. (that sounds disturbing, but it's the truth)

Last Person to call you? I can't remember, my phone hasn't been working for about a week. Nice and quiet though!

Last time you took a shower? This afternoon.

When was the last time you felt stupid? Earlier tonight when we were playing Scategories. My mind kept freezing up.

Who was the last person u saw? My lovely friend Meagan.

Who did you last yell at? My son Jonathan. He has a gift for pushing my buttons. But it has been a while, maybe I'm growing up. LOL

What did you do today? I got up at 12:06 pm, I didn't get to bed until 5:00 am so it wasn't technically sleeping in late, I showered, dolled myself up, went to my belated family birthday party, went home to walk my dogs, went to my friend Stefan's harvest party, went to Wal-Mart to blow my birthday money, went home to walk my dogs, went to the church office to check my e-mail and myspace, and here we are, filling out a quiz and 12:06 am. Weird.


01. Hometown: Ashland, OR

02Natural hair color? Brown-ish w/golden highlights, natural of course, and a fabulous grey streak.

03. Eye color: Mostly blue, but depends on my mood.

04. Height: 5'6"

05. pets: 2 dogs, one beagle, one rotweiler

06. Mood: inspired

01. Have you ever been in love: Please, dumbest question ever!

02. Do you believe in love: Yes, but not as much as I believe in God.

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail: Drugs. He did them, lots, I didn't.

04. Have you ever been heartbroken: To the point that there was actually physical pain. Surprising really.

05. Have you ever broken someone's heart: Never intentionally.

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? Yes. See love question number 03.

07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them: Yes. Sometimes I'm such a chicken.

08. Are you afraid of commitment? Only to a sanitarium. :P

09. Are you single or taken? Taken, I just don't know by who yet.

10. Have you ever wanted someone but known that you couldn't have them? Yes. I married him anyway, that ended badly.


01. Love or lust: Love, a thousand times LOVE.

03. Night or day: Night, obviously.

04. One night stands or relationships? Relationships, my last one-night stand came back to bite me in the ass later!

05. TV or Internet: Both, pretty please?

06. Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI!!!! Always PEPSI!!!!

07. Wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in, Wild night out went by the wayside in the 90's for me.

08. Black or white: Black, always black.


01. Are you missing someone right now: Yes, but I'm not telling who.

02. Are you happy? I don't really know. My head is rather confusing right now. I'm processing some pretty heavy stuff. I think over all I am though, maybe. Hmmmmmmmmm.......

03. Are you talking to anyone right now: Only you, my internet friends!

04. Are you eating: Yes, cheese. Oh, how I love cheese!

05. Are you german: No.

06. Are you Irish: More than a little.

07. Are you French: Oh, yes.

08. Are you Italian: Nope.

09. Are your parents still married? Yep! And still ridiculously in love!

10. Do you like someone right now: Yes, but that is none of your business. I'm sure it'll pass. It usually does.


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