Thursday, October 05, 2006

Myspace? Hmmmmmmm...........

Ok, I've gone and done it, I actually made a 'MySpace' website. I know, I'm such a 'sheeple' as my Big Sis would say. (You know, sheep {ie. follower} + people {ie. humanoid} = sheeple) Anyway, I've found that nothing can satisfy my blogging addiction like Blogspot, but I do have an awfully fun time playing with pictures and music on my MySpace! I know, I'm a total traitor! I'm ok with that! :) So, go ahead, you know you want to, check out my MySpace via the link to your right.


P.S. Oh! I almost forgot! My huge triumph of the evening! I created my first MP3 playlist! It took me forever, I almost gave up, but at last! VICTORY! Oh, to listen to it you have to check out my MySpace! Mwaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa! (evil aren't I?)


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