Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I know, I'm a quiz junkie..............

[1] Called your mom a bitch to her face?
No way, she'd kick my ass!

[2] Slept in a different bed?
Too many times to count.

[3] Made out in a movie theater?
Yah, used to be just another way to spend Saturday night.

[4] Stuck your tongue to a frozen pole?
No, but I talked my baby sis into doing it!

[5] Thought your cousin was hot?
Nope, no cousins!

[6] Have you ever caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Yep, just a couple of weeks ago!

[7] Have You Taken a shower with the opposite sex?
Mmmmmmmmmmm.............. oh, yah! Sometimes I really miss being married.

[8] Gone over the speed limit?
Never intentionally.

[9] Painted your room?
Only under duress, I don't like getting paint in my hair.

[10] Danced in front of your mirror?
Only when I'm blitzed.

[11] Gotten a hickey?
Not since my teen years.

[12] Been dumped?
Please, if I had a dime for every time..........

[13] Stolen money from a friend?
Nope, that's a line I don't cross.

[14] Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Often enough to have ended up on a milk carton if God didn't have my back.

[15] Been in a fist fight?
Ok, yes, I have, but I was never the instigator.

[16]Snuck out of your house?
Yah, a lot when I was a teen, my dad caught me all the time though!

[17] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Oh man! Like you would not believe!

[18] Been arrested?
I think those records were sealed when I turned 18. ;)

[19] Made out with a stranger?
Oh, yes! Something insanely exciting about that!

[20] Left your house without telling your parents?
Only when I was up to no good.

[21] Had a crush on your neighbor?
Yah, he took me on a date once, but he was WAY too straight-laced for the wild 16-year-old version of me.

[22] Ditched school to do something more fun?
Every chance I got.

[23] Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Many times..... stop thinking about it THAT way! It was perfectly innocent........... well, most times! ;)

[24] Seen someone die?
Yes. It was the most horrible and surreal thing to experience.

[25] Made out in a forest/woods?

[26] Kissed a picture?
Naw, I was too busy kissing boys!

[27] Slept in until 3pm?
Oh, yah!

[28] Miss someone right now?

[29] Made a snow angel?
Yah, cold, but fun!

[30] Played dress up?
Of course!

[31] Cheated while playing a game?
Naw, I like winning fair and square.

[32] Been lonely?
Who hasn't?

[33] Fallen asleep at work or school?
Yep. Way more embarrassing at work than school!

[34] Been to the club?
Yah, but mostly before I was 19.

[35] Felt an earthquake?
Yah, I wasn't sure what was going on until it was over.

[36] Touched a snake?
Yes, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

[37] Ran a red light?
Yes, on accident. They changed one of those forever-blinking-yellow lights with an actual red-yellow-green light. I had no idea it had changed.

[38] Had detention?
Naw, I sweet-talked my teachers out of it.

[39] Been in a car accident?
Nope. Except for one time my Mom hit a HUGE dog. Shook us up and just pissed off the monster dog.

[40] Witnessed a crime?
Yah, but only ones I was involved in.

[41] Been to the opposite side of the country?
Nope, farthest I've been is Chicago.

[42] Felt like dying from embarrassment?
Yep, as a matter of fact, just last Friday!

[43] Cried yourself to sleep?
Only when I drink too much.

[44] Laughed until beverage came out of your nose?
Yah, many times.

[45] Sat on a rooftop?
Not lately, pity.

[46] Been a cheerleader?
No! Down with cheerleaders! Dance Team Girls RULE!!!!

[47] Didn't take a shower for a week?
Icky! NO!

[48] Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?

[49] Played Truth or Dare?
Too many times to count.

[50] Played spin the bottle?
Yah, my favorite was strip-spin-the-bottle. That one is fun.

[51] Been easily amused?

[52] Laughed so hard you cried?
I try to regularly.

[53] Cheated on a test?
No, I tried once but got totally busted.

[54] Forgotten someone's name?

[55] Played a prank on someone?
Not lately, hmmmmmmmmm......... food for thought.

[56] Gone to a late night movie?
Yah, I did just the weekend before last. It was fun. (Thanks Josh!)

[57] Failed a class?
Yah, but only the lame ones. :P

[58] Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
You don't want to know the mental image I got with that one!

[59] Played an instrument for more than 10 hours straight?
Naw, too many things to do to sit still that long.

[60] Celebrated fourth of July?
Every year!

[61] Thought about running away?

[62] Ran away?
Naw, I'm way too lazy to live on the run.

[63] Had detention and not attend it?

[64] Made your parents cry?
Yah, when I was 16 and found out I was pregnant. That sure got the water-works going.

[65] Cried over someone?
Only every ex I've ever had!

[66] Owned more than 5 sharpies?
Yep, I have 23 right now! Ha ha ha!

[67] Have/had a dog?
Yep, I have two next to my feet right now.

[68] Been in a band?
No, I was always a groupie.

[69] Drank more than 15 sodas in a day?
No, way too much!

[70] Broken a cd?

[71] Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
Not yet.

[72] Slept for 24 hours straight?
When I had the flu.

[73] Been cheated on?
Yah, the Bastard slept with my SISTER! and then my BEST FRIEND!

[74] Told someone you love them and really meant it?
I mean it every time.

[75] What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
Mike's hard Lime-aid, last Friday night, yummy.

[76] Do you follow college football?
Not even!

[77] How many miles does your car have on it?

[78] Who was the last person to send you a text message?
None, I'm the loser without a cell phone.

[79] Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Mid September. Love swimming!

[80] Are you happy?
I'm happier than I've ever been, thank you Jesus!

[81] Where's the last place you went shopping?
Fred Meyers.

[82] How do you feel about your hair?
It's in that akward in-between stage, it's not really short, but definitely not long yet, I actually REALLY HATE it right now.

[83] Last thing you ate?
Chocolate truffles. But before that I had made shrimp scampi over pasta for dinner.

[84] Do you wish you where someplace else right now?
Naw, here is a good place to be!

[85] Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Not anymore, my ex traded all the good stuff for drugs, Grrrrrrrr!

[86] AIM or MSN?
The whose a what?

[87] What classes are you taking?
I can't remember what they are, they start tomorrow, I guess I'll find out then! LOL!

[88] What is your favorite brand of makeup?

[89] Favorite NFL team?
Yuck, sports!

[90] Do you watch the Olympics?
I love the skating!

[91] Last bar you went to?
Oh, man! Do I have to answer that? I think it was The Office, but it was called Scandels at the time.

[92] Who was the last person to call you?

[93] What's your sign?

[94] Do you have a favorite number?

[96] What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Art supplies and scanning.

[97] Where does most of your family live?
Here in Southern Oregon.

[98] Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
I have an older sister and a younger sister.

[99] Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Naw, I'm too poor and single to be spoiled.

[100] Ever been called a bitch?
Yah, though not lately, at least not to my face. :)

[101] Do you like beer?
No way, yuck to the max!

[102] Have you ever experienced true love?
Only with my son and with the Lord!

[103] Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
Shamefully, yes.

[104] Ever ordered anything online?
Oh yah!

[105] Myspace or Facebook?

[106] Do you have T-Mobile?
Huh? Just kidding! No.

[107] What is your favorite subject?
Lately, theology.

[108] What are you doing tonight?

[109] Do you usually fall for the "bad" girls/guys?
So far, every stinkin' time!

[110] Were you an outcast in high school?
Yah, but there were a lot of us, and I was pretty popular among the outcasts, so maybe I wasn't after all.......

[111] Last time you saw your parents?
Yesterday at church.

[112] Do you have any talents?
I do have some gifts. Art is one of them.

[113] Ever been in a wedding?
Yah, too many.

[114] Do you have any children?
Yes. One with me and one in Heaven.

[115] Last movie you watched?
Ice Age 2.

[116] Are you missing anyone at the moment?

[117] Did you take a nap today?
Too busy to nap.

[118] What was your high school's mascot?
Grizzley! Rawr!

[119] Ever been on a cruise?
Nope, but I've always wanted to.

[120] Favorite vacation spot?
I love camping on the Smith River in Northern CA, I also love staying at the beach house here on Oregon Coast. I also reall love staying at the Box R Ranch in Ashland, beautiful and peaceful. Oh, and Lake of the Woods is wonderful. I could go on, but I won't.

[121] How many pets do you have?
2 dogs, 2 fish.

[122] Do you have any wealthy friends?
No. I think we're all pretty average-income-ish.

[123] Ever met anyone really famous before?
Yah, I met the Nelson twins when they were totally famous! They were so hot!

[124] Favorite thing about the opposite sex?
Hands, muscles and smiles!

[125] Are you multi-tasking right now?

[126] Could you handle being in the military?
Never, I'm way too much of a wimp.

[127] Do you currently have a significant other?

[128] Are you in love with someone?
Only Jesus.

[129] What city do you live in?

[130] What is your favorite NBA team?
Again with the sports?

[131] Ever taken drugs?
Pick one, any one! Actually, I've never done Meth or Heroine. They weren't really popular when I was doing a lot of drugs.

[132] Favorite animal?

[133] Nsync or Backstreet Boys?
Neither please.

[135] Any plans for Valentines day?
Yep. I'm going to get a pound of chocolates and watch My Bloody Valentine and Valentine's Day Massacre 1 & 2.

[136] What is your favorite college football team?
Blah, blah, blah, enough with the sports!

[137] Are you a health freak?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, that's a good one!

[138] Do you enjoy school?
I liked college!

[139] What do you want to be when you grow up?
Just me, but wiser!

[140] Favorite season?
Lately I've been loving Fall.

[141] Do you like Dave Matthews Band?
What kind of a psycho do you think I am? Of course I do!

[142] What is your favorite color?
Blue, oh, and pink, oh, and purple, oh, heck, I love almost all colors!

[143] What is your favorite sport to play?
Ping Pong.

[144] Regret anything from your past?
No regrets!

[145] What kind of car do you drive?
'97 Dodge Intrepid.

[146] What is your favorite college basketball team?
Aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhh! NO MORE SPORTS QUESTIONS!!!!

[147] What is your favorite band?
Hard to say, I love so many!

[148] Favorite tv shows to watch?
I love CSI and Bones.

[149] What month were you born?


Blogger Greg said...

Dear Blond-at-Heart,

I see that you love the Smith River. I am former Executive Director of the Smith River Project, and I now run the Siskiyou Land Conservancy. Both organizations have a lot to do with protecting much of the land you adore in Northwestern California. I would like to send you more information about our work, as this territory is some of the most beautiful, biologically diverse and ecologically important in the world. It is truly God's country! And I know He wants us to protect it.

Please see: http://www.SiskiyouLandConservancy.org/ for more information.

Yes, we are seeking donations. We rely on donors from outside the area to keep our programs afloat. Our work benefits all Californians, all Americans. Can you help?

Donations may be sent to:

Siskiyou Land Conservancy
P.O. Box 4209
Arcata, CA 95518

We are a non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible.

Thanks for your good writing, keep it up!

Greg King
President/Program Director
Siskiyou Land Conservancy

10:14 AM  

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