Thursday, August 31, 2006

I know, it's been a while......

Life has been bigger than usual lately. I find I hardly have time to catch my breath much less spend time posting on my blogs. I know, excuses, excuses, I guess we just have to face it, I'm a bad, bad, blogger. There, I said it, I feel better now. Well, I hate to say it, but I must run. I'm off to San Fransisco this weekend. I'll fill you in later. Ta ta!


Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Babies!

Ok, so I've been gushing about Meagan's new baby so much lately, that mine have stopped talking to me. So here they are, in all their glory, doing what they do best.... Lounging in photo worthy poses while life continues to happen all around them. (Yes, you are about to see the world's laziest dogs! :P)

First there is Shelby Lynne, who while not being petted slips into a coma that only the promise of treats can rouse her from. Snoozy little snaussage dog!

Shelby Lynne, "Oops, my ear fell down! Oh well, I'm way too tired to get it all the way back up here! Mom..... come fix it...."

We are waiting patiently for you to get off the computer, but can't seem to keep our heads up for more than two seconds at a time. Can't you tell by looking at us that we are really eager to go do stuff and get on with our lives? Come on, it's been almost thirty seconds since you acknowledged our existance and we're going to have to revolt! If only we had the energy to protest your gross neglect. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

'Kitty? Where's the kitty?' Say these magic words and Zeus will look at every high place in the house. It's a very long story about why Zeus looks upward to search for kitties, but it really never gets old. He'll diligently search for the kitty for about 7 or 8 minutes before giving up and slipping into a doze. Silly baby!